Fueling the fire...

I haven't really been keeping up my blog....but I was so inspiried today. And even if Im the only one who read this, who cares it all me. Well been checking out some other exciting and interesting blogs. To name a few Gorgeous Black women, Mitzi Blog ( whom I've followed since her days at Honey Mag.) and In her shoes. All sisters with interesting perceptions on life, love, and fashion. Ok here I go. Well one thing that has burned a whole thru my head today is this sistren with these beautiful full unconventional locs. I wondered about the preconcieved ideas on how locs are supose to look and feel and such. Nowadays with more sisters leaving the chemicals alone and going au natural, why do sisters still feel the need to please the european ideas on how our hair needs to look. So many sisters with locs are rocking the style but over twists, over style, even perm edges...just to fit the society views on apporiate. I am constantly approached on how to neaten up my locs and retwist my beautiful new growth. I thought when I choose this hair style, I was also chosing the freedom to do it however I felt. I realize that in everything we do from our clothes, our swag, our hair styles, are still held responsible to society views on it...so I say fuck it. You can't stand my choices then sit down some where and evaulate your own and watch my locs from the back as I walk away...free to be me.